Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like your life could be taken in a completely different directions if you had just________(fill in the blank)?
I'm not trying to get all Gwynie Paltrow/Sliding Doors on you, but in all truthiness, it happens.
Case in point: this morning I am walking out of the house and my roommate yells, "will you hold the elevator for a second, I’ll be right out?"
Had I known that this was going to throw my morning into a tailspin, I might have been a little more decisive than, "um....okay"
So after holding the doors for what was honestly moments, he gets in and we descend to the "M" level
(sidenote: after much deliberation, we have learned that "M" stands for Mezzanine and the lowest level is "T" for Terrace--but shouldn't a terrace be elevated, shouldn't that be above the ground floor?)
So I get out on aforementioned "M" level and walk to the L-train, briefly stopping to pick up my daily news and post from Margarita, or what I affectionately call the Latin lady I get my papers from every morning.
And here is where the story comes together kiddies: as I walk down the stairs to the L the doors close, they closed mere moments before I got there, the same amount of time that I had held the elevator for my roommate.
SEE! Now I ask you, what would have happened had I caught that train? Would I have bumped into my future wife? Would I have ran into an Entertainment Weekly employee that was handing out free jobs? Would I have met a life-size Saca J doll that could have shoved me into her papoose and carried me around all day? I shall never know....what I do know is the following:
1. I had to wait 25 minutes for the next L train to come--2 passed by without stopping. Can't the MTA come up with a better L-train schedule?? HONESTLY!
2. After throwing myself into the train car, when it finally arrived, I accidentally groped a girl which gave me flashbacks to the time in elementary school when I accidentally pulled down a girls skirt on the playground and was yelled at in front of an entire classroom by a teacher. but that's a story for another day
3. Once I reached the A-train, I was stuck in a car with a SUPER-smelly hobo--and I mean SMELLY! like, eyes tearing smelly
4. The best part: The last possible bus I can catch to work in the morning is a 9:30am one. My train arrived at the 175th bus station at 9:29....thus began my sprint to the bus, which consists of the following: Stairs, hallway, stairs, hallway, escalator (which I had to run up), main terminal, another escalator to run up and then I reach the bus.....as it's pulling away. So I bang on the doors and get in, saying, "sup" to my friends before needing 15 minutes to catch my breath.
Phew, I feel better now, and I promise that future posts will be less angry, more movie/random thought centric, but to love me is to love my anger.