Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

10 May 2006

Double Adorable

A little cuteness for an otherwise dreary Wednesday--only 3 hours until LOST

What a bummer

At least your day isn't THIS bad

Best. Season. Ever.

Last night was the season finale of Veronica Mars and there are simply not enough glowing words in the English language to describe how I felt about it.
Suffice it to say it was AMAZING!!!! SO AMAZING!!!! This is one show that deftly straddles the line between pathos and gut-busting humor and never makes either feel trite. I almost cried twice, and a co-worker told me that he in fact DID cry twice! They resolved the season long mystery in a way that I totally didn’t see coming, and you all know how much I love being surprised by TV, only because it so rarely happens. Not only that but Kristin Bell totally deserves an Emmy nomination for her roof-top breakdown, one of the best performances in recent TV years. (I mean, she got tazered, how often does the female star of your show get abused like that!?!) Now, I know most of you, heck most of the country, aren’t watching, but let me take this opportunity to beg, plead and bribe everyone reading this (all 6 of you) to PUHLEEZE watch next season when it jumps to The CW network (which it better, you hear me TV Gods? I’m talking to you!) The only problem I now have is that it’s going to be at least 3 months until I return to Neptune. In the meantime here’s a little clip showcasing some of the lighter moments from the middle of the show that should hopefully turn some of you non-believers into full-blown Mars-aholics.

09 May 2006

Separated at birth?

Argentine leaf folding frog and Aerosmith's Steven Tyler

06 May 2006

Tom Cruise; actor, Scientologist, casting guru?

Just got back from seeing Mission Impossible:III and while I'm not jumping for joy, it definitely had some AWESOME action sequences but fully ran out of steam in the third act. The main gist of the movie is that Ethan Hunt, a.k.a Tom Cruisazy, gets on the bad side of Owen Davian, a.k.a. Phillip Seymour Hoffman (totally slumming it after Capote), who promises to capture, torture and kill Ethan's wife played by Michelle Monaghan, who was so rad in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (seriously, see THAT movie, it was awesome). Now this is where things get distracting--Michelle is a dead ringer for Tom's prisoner, er, real life baby mama, Katie Holmes

I'm not talking identical twins here, but you have to admit, the likeness is.... unsettling. Making matters worse is the fact that the script is peppered with comments about how "Ethan" can't have a normal relationship because of his job--But does Ethan listen? Nope. Did Tom listen? Nope. Both of them risked their lives, friends and very livelihood to "rescue" the girl. Perhaps the film, and Tom's career, could have been saved if he just stayed away from the girl in the first place

04 May 2006

Happy Thursday

Who hasn't felt this way at some point