Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

11 April 2008

It Was The Cravat's Fault!

While everyone was busy picking their jaws up off the floor last night when Michael Johns was boots from "American Idol" I just said to myself: it just goes to show you the power of fashion.

See, for the last two weeks MJ has been rocking a cravat, like he's Fred from "Scooby-Doo" or something. It's an odd look that is totally out-of-sync with youth today and only serves to remind us that A) MJ is seriously pushing the age-limit on "Idol" (I always secretly believed eventually it would come out that he lied about his age) and B) he is not American.

So while Simon may say his ousting had to do with poor song choice, I solely blame MJ singing his swan song on silly sartorial selections.


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