Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

06 April 2007

My thoughts exactly

Ice Cube continues his Loss of Credibility Tour with the release of Are We Done Yet? the sequel to 2005's study in cinematic torture Are We There Yet? What's ironic about the title of the new film is that it perfectly summarizes my feelings not only about this franchise, but about Ice Cube's acting career in general.

He had so much promise in quality films like Higher Learning, Boyz n the Hood, Friday and my favorite guilty pleasure, Anaconda. But then Cube became the go-to-guy for sequels: two for Friday, one for Barbershop and one where he didn't even star in the original, XXX: State of the Union.

He was a highly respected rapper who pioneered the genre with NWA's anthem for a generation, Fuck The Police. Now he's fighting with squirrels and changing diapers. Talk about working your way to the bottom.

Clearly having the word "Ice" in your name decries that you will not only star in poor films but that you will never get any real acting cred and your career with quickly melt. In addition to Ice Cube, see: Ice-T who is consistently the worst thing about Law & Order: SVU, Ice the dog from Garden State who according to IMDB hasn't worked since humping Zach Braff's leg and the mack daddy of Ice, Vanilla Ice, who originated this theory when he starred in the box office flop, Cool as Ice.


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