Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

27 March 2007

Beauty queen drop-out

Tara Conner, the "disgraced" beauty queen passed the torch, er, crown, on to the next Miss USA this past week. I mean how lucky can one girl get? Chelsea Cooley (Miss Kentucky) gets to follow in the coke-stained footsteps of Tara, which is pretty sweet considering that she could basically be photographed at a donkey show with Ron Jeremy and it wouldn't get raked over the coals like Tara did. You know Tara is absolutely thrilled to be done with this charade so she can now go back to her booze-filled days and drug-induced nights. And hey, think of the life lessons Tara has to pass on now.

Tara: "Congrats! Now listen, the first rule of wearing this crown is don't anger Donald Trump, he will seriously make your life a living hell."

Tara: "Oh please, I am such a better crier. Remember my tear-filled apology? Man, I'm a good actress."

Tara: Whatever you do, don't get caught blowing lines. It will put a major damper on your year.


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