Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

05 March 2007

Would you like to know your future?

Every now and then I like to remind myself, and the interweb at large, that I have special abilities. Now, I'm not like one of those freaks on Heroes; I can't fly or make ATM's spit out $100 bills, but I am gifted.

I discovered my talent about 5 years ago after I got my license. It was just an ordinary day but it was a day that changed my life forever.

I was driving in my car and was thinking about that Eagle Eye Cherry song, Save Tonight. It was really popular my senior year in High School but I hadn't heard it in years. I was trying very hard to remember this one particular lyric when the song came blasting on my radio. It was such a weird feeling, as if I had made it come on by sheer will.

While this was the first time I willed a song to come on, it was by no means the last.

The most recent was this morning when I put my iPod on shuffle and Come Closer by Jem came on. I immediately wished I had put on Set the Fire to the Third Bar by Snow Patrol instead. So I skipped ahead and wouldn't you know it, out of over 1,000 songs my iPod holds that was the song that popped up. Now I am sure there is some scientific explanation that you will provide to explain away my gifted-ness, but at the end of the day, I can use my mental powers to produce music and you can't.


  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Ive done that before!!! It must run in the family!!


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