Whoever smelt it, delt it

As most people know by now NYC was besieged with a gaseous smell on Monday. People were freaking out, offices were closed and yet brave smokers continued to light up even in spite of the chance they’d be blown to smithereens. Now, the big problem I have with this event wasn’t that it happened, because as we all know sometimes you just CAN NOT hold gas in. My issue is with the blame game that followed. New York officials had the gall to imply that New Jersey was responsible for the smell, stating that it wafted over the river from Bayonne, NJ.
Now look, I understand that the industrial parts on Jersey do smell like week-old dirty diaper, but it’s not like the homeless, garbage, subways, shit-covered sidewalks and horse-drawn carriages that populate the city are making New York smell like roses. There is even a street near my apartment that you can’t walk down during a hot summer day because the stench is overwhelming.
So next time New York suffers from a pungent aroma, influx of immigrants, or a Hasselhoff invasion, let’s not play the blame game. We’re on an island, you could easily separate us from the rest of the country by simply closing the tunnels and blowing up the bridges….but don’t do that, I work in NJ and don’t feel like swimming. (and Smalls stole my water wings)
At 11:33 AM,
HED said…
Whoa. Sensitive much Mr. NJ? Sheesh. I think everyone immediately defaulted to blaming The Dirty. HENCE THE NAME.
At 12:29 PM,
amhessio said…
I've noticed a NJ complex amongst former inhabitants. I never really thought much about NJ until I met people who were constantly defending it.
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