Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

04 January 2007

NJ isn't the most smartest

The Star-Ledger, New Jersey's leading "newspaper", ran a story today about a meteorite that fell on a Monmouth residents home that calls into question the intelligence of New Jersey-ites in general (besides me, obviously) My favorite excerpt is below:

A rock from outer space? Maybe
Mysterious lump plummets into Monmouth home, sparks talk of meteorite

It came from the sky. That much everyone can agree on.

It came down fast, too. Fast enough to punch a hole in the roof of a Monmouth County home and crack a tile in a second-floor bathroom.

At just 3 1/2 inches long and more than three-quarters of a pound, it was oddly heavy. And oddly smooth, despite its somewhat craggy appearance. It was hard, too.

"Extremely dense," in the words of an investigator.

Ok, so I love the fact that everyone can agree that A) it came from the sky, as opposed to Wal-Mart and that B) since it punched a hole in someone's bathroom, the rock must have indeed been falling at a very fast rate.

Additionally, The Star Ledger has deduced that after many years of scientific testing Trix are indeed for kids. Glad that's settled!


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