Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

29 December 2006

Am I on his shit list?

I have dodged the question for years for fear of being excommunicated from humanity, but I am 25 now and fully an adult who has to take responsibility for his actions and it is with great shame and fear that I admit I have never seen Schindler's List.

Save your scathing words, I know how awful it is especially considering that I am Jewish, but hey, I haven't seen Fiddler on the Roof or Yentyl, so why should I now start allowing my religion to dictate my cinematic endeavors? Plus, I studied history, I know how the Holocaust ends and regardless of what you’ve heard, it wasn’t A Beautiful Life or a grandiose lie as many people claim *cough Mel Gibson cough*. It is simply an ugly part of Global history, much like our current Presidential predicament. And no doubt history will recall the Bush Administration with the same disdain and regret that it does for Nazi Germany….and if Steven Spielberg makes a movie about George W. Bush I probably won’t see that either.


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