Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

15 April 2008

Celebrity Death Match: Mark-vs-Marc

In the left corner we have Mark Ballas, professional hoofer on Dancing with the Stars, who in my opinion is going to win this season thanks to Kristi Yam.

In the right corner we have Marc St. James, aka Michael Urie, from Ugly Betty, who in my opinion is the funniest thing about that show.

Now here's my dilemma: which one of these Bobbsey Twins is my favorite? Seriously...were they separated at birth in some sort of weird Lifetime MOTW sitch? And making me even more confused, they're both on top rated ABC shows. Is there some sort of corral of cute, skinny boys that is secretly kept on ABC's backlot? If so, do they have a tour? Or an adoption program?


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