Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

09 November 2007

Not one damn original EYE-dea in Hollywood

Along with the majority of the horror movie fan community, I am of the opinion that American remakes of Japanese horror movies have overstayed their welcome. But that's not stopping Hollywood from continuing to produce them, mostly because of people like me who continue to see them! Damn it, I'm my own worst enemy!

And while people bemoan the lack of originality in movies today, allow me to jump on the bandwagon saying that there isn't even an ounce of originality in publicizing movies today! It's already been made known that Beowulf is blatantly ripping off 300's television ads . At least that makes sense, 300 did phenomenally well--but to rip off a crappy movies' marketing strategy makes no sense. And with that, I give you this week's copycat award:

Hand in an eye? Check!
Title placed in the lower 3/4, just below the actresses name? Check!
Guarantee that I will spend $10 on opening weekend? Check!

But it's not the poster for The Eye that's guaranteeing my attendance; it's the ridiculousness below

Something tells me the movie where Jessica Alba yells angrily into an oven isn't that one that's going to win her an Oscar!


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