Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

09 October 2007

Unexpected bliss

So there I was trolling along the internet, reading movie news and rumors and I stumbled onto this little gem and almost wet myself. See if you can figure out where changing my pants almost became a necessity.

Sony Pictures has launched Stage 6 Films, a label that will acquire and produce relatively low budget films for theatrical and straight-to-DVD release says Variety.

Amongst them are a prequel to this year's "Vacancy" and sequels for "Starship Troopers," "The Art of War" and "Center Stage".

Ok, so that picture was a total give-away, but who cares because they're making a sequel to Center Stage, one of my top five guilty pleasure films of all time! Now, while the fabulous Zoe Saldana (the mouthy Eva) is definitely not available because of her roles in the much-much-much higher profile (yet no less important) Avatar and Star Trek movies, the question becomes will any of the originals return?

My money is on Amanda Schull, a.k.a. Jody Sawyer, to come back in some capacity. One check of IMDB shows that she's only had one post-Center Stage role and should be primed to learn some more tough lessons. And where does she learn them? Why, when she's standing Center Stage, duh!


  • At 8:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    This would make me the most excited person on the face of the earth! I love this movie. I want to be a ballerina. Too bad I am the worst dancer ever.


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