Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

27 July 2007

Under pressure

I don't know what all the fuss is about. Kelly Clarkson's new album, My December, is a fantastic CD. It's angry, and bitter and not commercial, and Kelly makes no apologies for that, which only further endears her to me. She went through a hard time and worked through it by writing this album and then Clive Davis, who is clearly only interested in what sells, ironically sold her out. Thus began the backlash against the album and that's where we find ourselves today.

It was announced that due to the album's poor sales, Kelly would be immediately heading back into the studio to create a new CD to be released in 2008. Here's the rub: this time, she will take the advice of Clive and work with established hit makers who just churn out pop #1's. Now I have nothing against striving for popularity. What I am troubled by is that it seems this album is absolutely going to fall by the wayside, which is a shame because it does have some fantastic tracks on it. So while KC is in the studio, get thee to a record store, by the album and check out the following cuts:

Never Again


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