Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

28 June 2007

You're gunna die in 7 days.....

from excitement that Big Brother is returning.

I would like to take this moment to apologize in advance for the gluttonous amount of Big Brother 8 information you are going to be exposed to in the coming months. But here's the thing, I think you should get into the show with me. Ya don't have to watch every night....although that's how the addiction starts and the next thing you know you're watching all three nights a week on CBS, ordering the off-hours feeds on Showtime, getting the 24/7 live camera access on your computer at work and playing the Big Brother online fantasy game, which is basically like fantasy football except with people in the big brother house....and it's totally gay.

but seriously, it's a great game show where you get to watch people slowly manipulate one another for prizes, food and money.

oh and fame, that probably is a factor too.

anyhoo, to whet (good word) your appetite for the impending Julie Chen-led onslaught of drunken buffoonery, POV & HOH competitions, weeks of slop, seemingly parties, product plugs galore and more "But First"s then you can shake a stick at, I bring you: The Roommates


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