Katie doesn't have to turn tricks on the side of the highway to pay off her student loans anymore!!
This ad makes me angry. Not in an irate, rant like a republican way, but in a, "what kind of idiot do you think I am," way.

I don't know about you, but I believe that "happy with her finance rates Katie" is about as real as an Asian with blonde hair! And aside from a listing of the payment percentages you too can have, Katie is the crux of their advertising campaign! A smiling girl wearing a backpack. Their main demo is clearly students, what with "consolidate student loans!" screaming at the top of the ad, but if you are in fact a student, that means you have attended and most likely graduated from some sort of academia, and would then hypothetically be smart enough to see through this bizarre ruse. My other favorite piece of advertorial propaganda is that next to the picture of Katie they say, "Katie did it, look how happy she is” As if I'm that much of a sheep, I would only enroll in a program if there was a previously satisfied pretty girl. Perhaps, the ad people should adjust their target demos and have Smiling Katie below the type, "Didn't go to college? No problem, neither did Katie and she is thrilled with her refinanced 7-11 mortgage!"

I don't know about you, but I believe that "happy with her finance rates Katie" is about as real as an Asian with blonde hair! And aside from a listing of the payment percentages you too can have, Katie is the crux of their advertising campaign! A smiling girl wearing a backpack. Their main demo is clearly students, what with "consolidate student loans!" screaming at the top of the ad, but if you are in fact a student, that means you have attended and most likely graduated from some sort of academia, and would then hypothetically be smart enough to see through this bizarre ruse. My other favorite piece of advertorial propaganda is that next to the picture of Katie they say, "Katie did it, look how happy she is” As if I'm that much of a sheep, I would only enroll in a program if there was a previously satisfied pretty girl. Perhaps, the ad people should adjust their target demos and have Smiling Katie below the type, "Didn't go to college? No problem, neither did Katie and she is thrilled with her refinanced 7-11 mortgage!"
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