Ramble on

A place for the mind-numbing thoughts that run through my head

19 April 2006

Puts the sick in creamsicle

There are so many things wrong with this picture, i don't even know where to begin......

I mean, on a basic level, no ad featuring children bending over should have the word "lickable" anywhere in the copy, actually, strike that, no ad should feature children bending over TOWARDS the camera EVER!!!! Unless it's for use in Michael Jackson's molestation case. Additionally, what are they saying is lickable? It can't be the ice pop (yes this is an ad for Breyers Creamsicles) because the pop doesn't appear anywhere in the ad. So are they saying the two young girls, who are creepily dressed up like creamsicles, are the lickable ones?!?!? The girl on the right seems to be licking her knee--is it her knees you should be licking? but if that's the case then why are they bent over, flaunting their little tushies (and yes, with children under 10, tushie is the most un-pedophile word possible to use)

Bottom Line: This ad was created by pervs!!!!! I don't think I will ever be able to enjoy a creamsicle again



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